Proposed Regulations Under Review

The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) reviews rulemakings proposed by state agencies to ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act.  The table below contains a list, by OAL File Number, of rulemaking actions submitted to OAL for review. This list is updated daily and includes matters submitted up to, and including the prior business day.

For more information about the list below, please contact the OAL Reference Attorney at or (916) 323-6815.

OAL File NumberAgencySubject of RulemakingFile Type
2025-0213-03California Energy CommissionThree-Month Projection Reporting RequirementsEmergency (E)
2025-0213-02Department of Motor VehiclesSecondary Review Referral FormNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0213-01Department of Food and AgricultureGrapevine Registration and Certification FeesFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0212-01Department of Motor VehiclesInterstate Carrier Program formNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0211-06Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Compassionate ReleaseEmergency Operational Necessity (EON)
2025-0211-05Department of State HospitalsConflict of Interest CodeFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0211-04Department of Corrections and RehabilitationDischarge of Parole and Voting RightsRegular (S)
2025-0211-03Department of Developmental ServicesSpecial Incident Reporting (SIR)Regular (S)
2025-0211-02Department of General ServicesTit. 21, Div. 1, Ch. 1, Subch. 1 RepealNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0211-01Board of Governors, California Community CollegesExtended Opportunities Programs ServicesPrint Only (P)
2025-0210-02Department of JusticeDFPI Digital Financial Assets Law Licensee Surety Bond FormFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0210-01Department of Health Care Access and InformationHPD Program NCP Data CollectionRegular (S)
2025-0207-03San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development CommissionAdoption of Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan, a part of SF Bay PlanRegular (S)
2025-0207-02Department of Fish and WildlifeCommercial Groundfish Management MeasuresCertificate of Compliance (C)
2025-0207-01Department of Food and AgricultureSchedule INonsubstantive (N)
2025-0206-02Board of Pilot CommissionersPilot Boat RegulationsRegular (S)
2025-0206-01California Highway PatrolCVSA NAS Out-of-Service CriteriaNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0205-03California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing AuCommercial Energy Efficiency Financing ProgramCertificate of Compliance (C)
2025-0205-02Department of JusticeDepartment of Conservation, GEM Division Bond FormsFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0205-01Commission on Peace Officer Standards and TrainingComm Reg 1203 Peace Officer DisqualificationRegular (S)
2025-0204-02Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Strategic Behavior-Based Housing and Progressive Program HousingFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0204-01Department of Resources Recycling and RecoveryIllegal Disposal Emergency RegulationsEmergency (E)
2025-0203-03Division of Workers' CompensationWorkers' Compensation-Official Medical Fee Schedule-Outpatient-ASCFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0203-02Department of Cannabis ControlCultivation License Changes Pursuant to BPC Section 26061.5Certificate of Compliance (C)
2025-0203-01Department of Real EstateElectronic Submissions re: Consumer Recovery Account ApplicationsRegular (S)
2025-0128-02New Motor Vehicle Board2024-2025 Arbitration Certification Program FeesNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0127-02Bureau of Automotive RepairBureau-Accepted Educational CertificationsNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0124-08Department of InsuranceCAARP Rules and Rates ManualFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0124-07Department of InsuranceLCA Plan of OperationsFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0124-06Department of InsuranceCARP Rules and Rates ManualFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0124-05Board of Naturopathic MedicineBoard Name Change and Other Technical Clean Up ChangesNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0124-04Department of Food and AgricultureAnimal Blood BanksRegular Resubmittal (SR)
2025-0124-03New Motor Vehicle BoardDefinition of Administrative Law JudgeRegular (S)
2025-0124-02Commission on Peace Officer Standards and TrainingCourse CertificationNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0124-01Commission on Peace Officer Standards and TrainingBasic Course CertificationNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0123-06New Motor Vehicle BoardFormat of FilingsRegular (S)
2025-0123-04Office of Environmental Health Hazard AssessmentChemicals Known to the State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive ToxicityFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0123-03Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation California Model TerminologyNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0123-02Department of RehabilitationConflict of Interest CodeFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0122-01Department of Food and AgricultureCannabis Appellations ProgramRegular (S)
2025-0117-04Fair Political Practices CommissionCost of Living AdjustmentsFPPC
2025-0117-03Department of Financial Protection and InnovationDebt Collection Licensing ActRegular (S)
2025-0115-05Department of Housing and Community DevelopmentPark Manager Training ProgramFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0115-04California Pollution Control Financing AuthorityCalifornia Capital Access Program for Small BusinessesCertificate of Compliance (C)
2025-0115-03Commission on Teacher CredentialingCost Recovery FeesRegular (S)
2025-0115-02Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Non-Substantive Changes - Incarcerated Person's MailNonsubstantive (N)
2025-0115-01California Housing Finance AgencyConflict-of-interest CodeFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0114-03Fish and Game CommissionImportation of Live Aquatic Plants and Animals for Research PurposesRegular (S)
2025-0114-02Delta Stewardship CouncilDelta Ecosystem RestorationRegular Resubmittal (SR)
2025-0114-01Department of Food and AgricultureMobile Custom Livestock SlaughterRegular (S)
2025-0113-02Department of Resources Recycling and RecoveryDealer Registration and Dealer CooperativesRegular (S)
2025-0110-02California Prison Industry AuthorityJob Required TrainingRegular Resubmittal (SR)
2025-0110-01Agricultural Labor Relations BoardMajority Support Petitions; Compliance; BondsRegular (S)
2025-0109-03Board of Forestry and Fire ProtectionLicensing Fee Increase 2024Regular (S)
2025-0109-02Commission on Peace Officer Standards and TrainingAmend Commission Regulations 1001 and 1059Regular (S)
2025-0108-03Division of Workers' CompensationInpatient Hospital Fee Schedule (OMFS)File and Print Only (FP)
2025-0108-01Department of Food and AgricultureSpongy Moth Eradication AreaCertificate of Compliance (C)
2025-0107-02Department of Public HealthEviscerated CrabFile and Print Only (FP)
2025-0106-03Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Developmental Disability ProgramRegular (S)
2025-0106-02Fish and Game CommissionCommercial California Halibut and White Sea Bass Set Gill NetsRegular Resubmittal (SR)
2025-0103-01Air Resources BoardLow Carbon Fuel Standard AmendmentsRegular (S)