OAL Determinations Issued in 2021

For information on Determinations, or to request a copy of a specific Determination, please contact Margaret Molina at 916-324-6044, or email at margaret.molina@oal.ca.gov.

2021 OAL Determination Number 1

Filed with the Secretary of State on January 19, 2021
Agency: Department of State Hospitals
Challenged Rule: Administrative Directive Number 610, titled “Patient Property”

2021 OAL Determination Number 2 (S)

Filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2021
Agency: Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Challenged Rule: Administrative Remedies for Inmates and Parolees

2021 OAL Determination Number 3

Filed with the Secretary of State on August 18, 2021
Agency: Department of State Hospitals 
Challenged Rule: Administrative Directive 810, Effective 6/24/2020, Titled “Unit Security” Sections III, Subsections A. and B., issued by the California Department of State Hospitals