California Regulatory Notice Register

Overview of the California Regulatory Notice Register

The California Regulatory Notice Register contains notices of proposed regulatory actions by state regulatory agencies to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations contained in the California Code of Regulations. A state agency must complete its rulemaking and submit the rulemaking file to OAL within one year of the date of publication of a Notice of Proposed Action (“Notice”) in the Notice Register. (Government Code Section 11346.4(b)).  OAL provides online access to current and past issues of the California Regulatory Notice Register online.

What type of information is in a Notice of Proposed Action?

The Notice of Proposed Action contains a variety of information about the nature of the proposed regulatory changes including various findings, determinations, statutory authority and the law(s) being implemented. The Notice of Proposed Action also contains procedural information, such as deadlines for submitting comments, scheduling of hearings (if any), and where copies of the Express Terms, Initial Statement of Reasons, and any other supporting information can be obtained (see discussion below). For non-major regulations, the results of the Economic Impact Assessment will be included in the Notice of Proposed Action. If the rulemaking is a major regulation, any comments provided by the Department of Finance, along with the agency’s responses, will be included in the Notice of Proposed Action.

Notice Publication Schedule and Deadlines OAL publishes the Notice Register every Friday. To be published, a Notice must be received by OAL no later than 10 calendar days before the publication date. Section 5, Title 1, California Code of Regulations describes what an agency must submit with its Notice. The Notice for a rulemaking must be published at least 45 calendar days before the close of the public comment period and public hearing, if a hearing is scheduled (Government Code section 11346.4(a).

The Notice Register Publication Schedule identifies the required deadline date for OAL to receive the Notice for publication in order to meet the desired date for the close of the public comment period and for the public hearing, if a hearing is scheduled.    Please contact for the latest Notice Register Publication Schedule.

How to Subscribe to the Weekly Hard Copy Notice Register

To subscribe to the California Regulatory Notice Register contact Thomson Reuters by telephone at (800) 888-3600.